Notable Noes are those votes cast by small number of opponents against important bills. Although the importance of different legislation can be somewhat subjective (always important to keep in mind), this list was limited to those bills which had no more than 17 no votes.
Slavery: 15 Legislators (11 Assemblymembers and 4 Senators) voted against SJR 1 (1865), adopting the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which officially ended slavery in the United States.
15th Amendment: 16 Legislators (8 Assemblymen and 8 Senators) voted against SJR 3 (1870), which was an affirmative rejection of the 15th Amendment. The 15th Amendment guarantees that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude…”
Recall: 14 Legislators (10 Assemblymen and 4 Senators) voted against SCA 23 (1911), which gave California voters the ability to recall statewide and legislative elected officials.
Initiatives and Referenda: Senator Leroy A. Wright was the sole legislator who voted against SCA 22 (1911), which gave California voters the right of initiative and referendum.
California Suffrage: 17 Legislators (12 Assemblymembers and 5 Senators) voted against SCA 8 (1911), which amended the State Constitution and gave women the right to vote in California.
Federal Suffrage: Two legislators (both Assemblymembers) voted against SJR 1×3 (1919), adopting the Ninteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.
Ending Prohibition: 13 legislators (12 Assemblymembers and one Senator) voted against AB 2316 (1933) which provided for a state convention to pass the constitutional amendment repealing prohibition.
End To Poll Taxes: Three legislators (all Assemblymembers) voted against SJR 1 (1963) by John Holmdahl, which ratified the 24th Amendment to the United States Constitution, prohibiting the payment of poll taxes to vote in federal elections.
Expanded State Pension Benefits: 6 legislators (all Assemblymembers) voted against SB 400 (1999) by Deborah Ortiz, which created new Public Employee Retirement System pension formula allowing a retirement benefit factor of 2% at age 55 increasing to 2.5% at age 63 and above.
Forced Labor Reparations: Roy Ashburn was the sole legislator to vote against AB 1728 (2000), which exempts from income tax any reparations received for forced labor performed during World War II.
Expanded Local Pension Benefits: 14 Legislators (7 Assemblymembers and 7 Senators) voted against AB 616 (2001) by Tom Calderon, which created allowed California cities, counties and special districts to offer retirement benefit factors up to 3% at age 60. These higher benefit factors led to severe unfunded pension liabilities in a number of cities a decade later.
Confederate Flag: Three legislators (One Assemblyman and two Senators) voted against AB 2444 (2014) by Isadore Hall, which prohibited the State of California from selling or displaying the Battle Flag of the Confederacy (with minor exceptions).