This is a short article that is a little bit about Senator Bob Huff, but mostly not. I don’t write about every legislator but had been thinking about the soon-to-depart members who will be leaving office in the next few weeks. This evening, I saw a note on Facebook by a friend who thanked his boss, Senator Bob Huff […]
Nielsen Reaches 1,000 Weeks
An interesting point in California legislative history was quietly reached this week. For the first time in a number of years, and probably for the last time in quite a while, a legislator reached 1,000 weeks of service in the legislature. Senator Jim Nielsen, who served twelve years in the Senate from 1978-1990 and four years […]
Politics on Tap – Episode 82
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to join host John Howard and Adam Gottlieb on Capitol Weekly’s Politics on Tap. Adam brought a great collection of campaign ephemera, including some century-old items, and shared his love of political history. I was able to share some of the better stories that have come up through my […]