Another result of redistricting… Because only the odd-numbered Senate districts will be up for election in 2012, the 2013-14 will see a combination of Senators representing both old and new districts. Those elected in 2010 (even-numbered districts) will continue to represent the districts that elected them. Those elected in 2012 (odd-numbered districts) will be representing […]
The Death of Senator Seaton
One minor mystery from California’s history has been solved. A biographic note written by Winfield J. Davis in his History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 indicated that State Senator George W. Seaton had died October 13, 1865 “in Yosemite”. It was unclear whether the Davis had meant that Seaton died while visiting the Yosemite […]
California’s Legislature, 2011 ed.
Thursday marked the release of the 2011 edition of California’s Legislature by the Assembly Chief Clerk’s Office. The book, updated and released periodically since the 1940s, was most recently updated in 2006. Among the features in the new edition; The party composition of the Legislature for each session since 1849. An expanded glossary of legislative […]